Street Art @ Ximending 西門町, Taipei

Ximending has long been THE trendiest area of Taipei for night life and street fashion ~ and of course Street Art.  I was there yesterday checking it out….


Just outside the main shopping area, down the back alleys of Kunming Street ~ and the walls are covered in graffiti of every kind.  Sometimes it’s just a section of the wall….


And sometimes the whole length of the wall….


It’s constantly changing, there’s new stuff appearing all the time, so what was there last year may have long gone by the time you get to go there again.


Actually, I’m very fussy when it comes to Street Art.  Demons and devils, skulls and skeletons are just not my scene.  I don’t actually like this one below, for that reason, however colourful it might be ~ but it’s so big and in yer face that I have to include it here….


I don’t like cartoons much either or the manga comic book stuff – though I love the 3D dinosaur!



What I love is positive stuff, colourful stuff and meaningful artistic stuff, like these….




So get yourself down to Ximending on a regular basis ~ and check out the great street art, it’s fun, it’s colourful and it makes the area really interesting and special!

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